The Cow with Laser Eyes
Welcome to my second jam and game ever!
I present to you a working demo of The Cow with Laser Eyes.
A simple 1 stage platformer where you play as a robotic cow with laser eyes. Didn't have the chance to add more levels as i ran out of time due to life stuff.
I used this jam to work on soundtrack, tileset creation, color palette building, shooting mechanic, falling platform mechanics, jumping on enemies, item pickups.
This was a lot of fun to make, wish i had more time.
A/D or Joystick = move
Space or A (controller) = Jump
Left Mouse or B (controller) = Shoot
All music, art, Sfx, animation and code is all original and created for the Chili Code Jam #2
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i found a bug where if you spam jump under a moving platform you can fly
its pretty good but the movement feels a bit clunky
edit: for the falling platforms you could go to the rigidbody settings and freeze the x axis so you can push them and disable collision when they start falling and it would overall make them feel better
yeah I agree the movement isn’t my favorite. Ran out of time.
thats fair. i see it is your second game so i cant judge you too bad especially since this jam is my first game. the idea of the game and the art is pretty good tho!